#28 Insights to Rana Plaza: a Bangladeshi perspective

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Today seven years ago the most awful accident of the textile industry Rana Plaza in Bangladesh has happened. The incident has shown how irresponsible global textile brands are acting and how important health, safety and social standards are for workers. In this episode we talk to Wahid Soruar, a PhD student and social activist from Bangladesh, who has been involved into direct aid following the accident. In the aftermath he was working for an organization doing compensation payments and has met through that many of the workers who survived the accident and their relatives and is still until today fighting for workers’ rights in Bangladesh. A topic that seems more current than ever before during the latest Covid19 developments.


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„STEP INTO THE FUTURE“ ist der Podcast von MELA, in dem es um Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und gesellschaftlichen Wandel geht. Hier teilt das nachhaltige Modeunternehmen sein Wissen, die eigene Unternehmensphilosophie, praktische Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und ermöglicht Einblicke in die Textilindustrie. Diskutiert wird mit Akteuren, die sich aktiv mit dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit in all ihren Facetten auseinandersetzen.

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